Hello! Welcome to our blog. Our new eTeam is formed by: César Pinto, from EB1/PE de Boaventura and Marta Augusto and Sónia Figueiredo, from EB1/PE da Lourencinha.

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

Happy Mother´s Day

Here in E.B.1 do Serrado there was a party do celebrate this special day.

We presented, played and sang a funny song about The Family...

... made some handcrafts of beautiful flowers to offer our mothers.

...and played some games.

To those of you who are lucky to be a mother enjoy this day. All of you are special!
However, I wanna send a big and special kiss to my mother!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

professora ta muito fixe o glog